They all commented on minor shakes present in the film. On reflection we should have used a tripod for every shot to ensure they were steady. This would have given a more professional feel to the film.
One audience member spotted rubbish under the table in the gambling scene. This was ultimately a silly mistake and one we should have rectified before filming the shot.
We received positive feedback on the variety of shots we had included in our OTS. We were also commended on the poker scene with each reviewer saying that it fit the film noir conventions well. They also responded well to the use of lighting in this scene.
We were worried that the shot of the doll at the beginning may seem quite random. This was something picked up by two audience members who didn't understand its significance. Perhaps we should have filmed another scene explaining the relevance of the toy, or made more of its inclusion in the gambling scene.
The flashbacks in our OTS were something we were most pleased with. One reviewer agreed with us saying that the transitions were particularly strong.
With regards to sound, each commented on the creaking of the rocking chair saying that it fitted well with the footage. They also thought the music was appropriate.
We were slightly unsure of our credits as we couldn't find a font similar to the ones used on the DVD covers. Two reviewers thought the font and colour were good. However one felt they should have a more professional tone - something we agree with. They also noted that we needed to swap the producer and director credits round.